- We will provide you with moist cotton upon leaving to clean the new tattoo area twice a day for the first week. This is for the drainage of lymph to be removed. The drainage of the lymph will transform to scab and this is how color is lost (so we want as much lymph as possible to be removed). "Apply a" pin drop "size of your aftercare product at the end of the first day.
- Apply a pin drop of your aftercare product morning and night for the next seven to ten days. The role of aftercare is to provide the tattoo with vitamins and nutrients. It should keep the area dry. It will keep the area too moist and prolong healing time by adding too much substance. To use aftercare, use a clean , dry pad or cotton. Clients can recover slower than those with health conditions.
- Tilt your head back in the shower for your brows and liner, and use a washcloth for your lip.
- For seven days, do not use makeup on or near the area when the skin is healing. For the first 30 days, prepare to lose some of your colour. You will use makeup to touch up any spots that may need it during the healing period (seven days), before you return for your follow-up, at which time those spots will be retouched. To decide any style tweaks you may want to have at your touch-up appointment, use this opportunity to play with your makeup.
- Do not touch, rub or pick at any scabs or dry skin you may notice. Everyone’s skin is different, so you may or may not have scabbing. Do not sleep on your face.
- We have a “DO NOT PANIC" rule during the first week. The color will appear darker first, and lighten by day seven.The skin takes up to seven days to grow a new layer of skin over the color (like putting a sheet over it to mute the color).
- Do NOT go in direct sun for the first week; this will risk burning or darkening your tattoo.
- You must use sunscreen on these areas as this skin is now very delicate and you must protect your tattoo. Sun, chlorine, scrubs, peels, and waxing will fade, peel or dissolve your color – avoid these. Do not use facial scrubbing brushes of any kind near the brows.
- Do not work out for 48 hours after your procedure. Light activity is fine, but nothing that will cause you to SWEAT! Excessive skin oil can blur the hair strokes of your new brows.
- Do not tan or use retinol/anti-aging creams for 30 days after your treatment.
- Do not wax the brow area, as this can pull off your tattoo. Schedule any tweezing/sculpting sessions with us for best results.
- Customers who continue to use Aftercare products will obtain longer tattoo wear for long-term retention. If possible, we advise you to wait two years before refreshing your tattoo, but some people need to come back earlier. You will extend your tattoo if you have brow hair by going in for brow-tinting treatments. We encourage brow tinting if you have very light or gray hair. Please contact us for an appointment.
- When having your lips tattooed, you may not see much color after the first visit. It also can take up to six weeks for the color to “settle” to a visible layer